The Winder City Council has approved a 200-unit multi-family building for independent living facilities catering to individuals aged 55 and older.

The 7.9-acre site, initially zoned general commercial (B-2) will now accommodate a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The units will be a mix of one-to-two bedrooms with a density of 25.32 units per acre.


(1) comment

Cheryl Brownstein

The addition of a Kroger, a new hospital, a 55+ community and so many others developments sound wonderful. UNTIL, one looks at the current traffic issues in that area and tries to factor in the hundreds of more vehicles using those 2 lane roads. The City and the County have not presented us with any information about upgrading the Loganville highway or the feeder roads around the area. Do people have to die before these very small arteries get improved? WHY? Can we not learn?

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